Public sms
In the memory of 90's:
When the Most popular games were "Chuppan Chupai", "Baraf Pani" and "Oonch Neech"
When the best delights were "Polka", "Popcorns", "Jubilee" and "Mitchelles Toffee"
When Pepsi was worth Rs/- 6
Watching 7:30 am cartoons before school on PTV and 7 pm "Ninja Turtles" and "Captain Planet"
When we were not allowed to watch movies but we managed it anyway
When our best asset was "Bubble Gummers Shoes"
When getting Rs/- 50 Eidi meant, You were rich
When decisions were made by "Akkar Bakkar Bombay Bow"
When the worst nightmares were "Injections", "Darkrooms" and "Qari Saab"
When "Wonder Bread ki BMX Cycle" was a source of jealousy in the entire mohalla
When, while playing cricket, rule was "Ghar mein jane ka out aur jo maare ga, woh le kar aye ga"
Childish but Awesome Memories!
I miss th0se dayS!